Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Serial Killer Reflecting On Choices In His Life

Mediocre serial killer Al Hines recently revealed that he may have come to a turning point in his life. Telling Guns 'n' Necrophilia magazine, "I need to stop wasting time and get things moving" Al, a native American Indian, is suspected in the killings of three families over a four year period. The victims where beaten with a blunt object and the children propped against a wall to be an audience for the killers deviant sex acts. Shards from nearby mirrors where placed in the eyes of the dead women when he fornicated with them. The husbands head (severed) was placed nearby to be a spectator also. His hair thinning and pursing a bottle of miller lite to his embarrassingly shabby pencil mustachioed lip, he told me his troubles.

Having intercourse one night Al reminisces "While looking into the shards of glass jammed into her eye sockets I didn't like the reflection I saw looking back at me through the puss, tears, and blood." Further adding "normally my blood soaked body glistening in the moonlight would give me pleasure allowing me to ejaculate into the corpse, but this was different. I tried fucking her eye socket, but the friction was not right. I was frustrated and attempted her nostril and after severely tearing the area I couldn't maintain my erection". He then shyly turned away and looked down at his handmade moccasins.

The real problem wasn't the less than desired friction provided by puss and eye juices but merely Al himself. He was thirty, unmarried, working a dead end job for a grocery store, and living in his fathers shed. He sought a hobby to make the mundane work days pass quicker and remove the pang of a boring existence. "Sneaking into houses, bludgeoning, getting rock hard abs, and necrophilia I am good at, damn good, but I can't make a living at it. It's just a hobby." He tamped out a cigarette. "It was like I saw my failures in that reflection. The severed head on the dresser, possibly the cunt's husband, seemed to have a smirk like he knew I was a failure at life. I had to shove his severed penis in his mouth to drown out the laughter."

"I'm thirty now and think, where's my life gone? I could have been better, why didn't I pay attention in school. My dad would tell me it was either the military or college as he sodomized me. I went to community college to get him off my back, no pun intended, but I wasn't serious. If I only knew then what I do now." He mused. "Why couldn't my parents have been wealthy so that I could follow my dreams. So many kids just get to do what they want and I am forced to work a menial job day in and day out. I have real talent and they just are lucky. I might go back to school and finish my associates degree." The murderous man noted.

Al was three credits short of the liberal arts degree he worked eight years trying to achieve. His co-workers always told him he had talent and he was wasting it there at the grocery store, but the Union wages were good and he got two fifteen minute breaks and a half hour lunch. Jan Quigly, a dairy department employee offered, "If the guys got a dream he should pursue it, just quit it's that easy. I mean, you should learn from your mistakes. Life is too short." then he carefully sliced a sesame seed bagel so as to not cut a finger.

"I know my friends mean well, but its not that easy. I can't just quit my job at the grocery store, I have bills to pay. If I save up enough to pay off my camero then I can live off whats left. It might take a year or so, but I can try to make a name for myself doing what I love. Murdering families and then fucking their dead bodies. I know I am no Gacy or Dahmer, but I can try."

His demeanor frightened me. Never before had I witnessed such a brazen display. The fire burning in his black as coal eyes was terrifying, yet astonishing. This man was committed to doing something great and I know he would succeed. I hope he inspires others to achieve their own goals. I know I will be taking a course on basket weaving. A craft I gave up years ago and have wanted to attempt again someday.

That someday will be today.

Special report by Forensic Gynecologist and Relationship Specialist
Dr. Giet Heir Don, III. with contributions from Motivational Speaker
and House Scrabble Champion Peter Brackish.

1 comment:

Duke Buckinald Fenton Stevens III, LL.D, BBQ, DCP said...

The best way to make money I have discovered is to sell your body. No, no, no, not the actual parts, but your genitals and inputs. Mouth, ass, vagina if you have one. Start sucking cock and giving up your ass and do it a lot! If you are old and feeble like me, get your significant other to do it. Sure there is some risk, but you will get your investment back ten fold! My love life has never been better and that rash I have on my taint cleared up! Hope that helps you.